Our meeting this past Sunday was on Mercy, and I think it was our best meeting yet...although a friend pointed out to me today that I say that about every meeting! It's hard not to feel that way about such a great group of gals...I'm so blessed by each and every one of you!
Here are some pictures from the meeting. (mental note: the girls really like doing skits!!)
The parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18: 21-35)...pleading for mercy from the King to whom she owes so great a debt.
Next comes the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18: 10-14)...hmmm, which one do you think she is playing??
I'm thinking this is a much more humble approach to prayer! Who do you think received God's mercy?
The younger gals prepare for their last skit....
Narrating the parable of The Lost Sheep (Luke 15: 3-7).
Calling to her friends to come help celebrate...bringing home the little lost sheep (or at least a well-loved bedtime snuggly lamb!)
But alas, after the dough runs dry, she can't even eat the pig's food - she's thinking it's time to go home to Daddy...who runs to meet her and welcome her home!
Tea time :)
Thank you girls for another fantastic meeting! Until next time... :)