Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mercy Me!

Hello Bellevue Bright Lights! 

Our meeting this past Sunday was on Mercy, and I think it was our best meeting yet...although a friend pointed out to me today that I say that about every meeting!  It's hard not to feel that way about such a great group of gals...I'm so blessed by each and every one of you!

Here are some  pictures from the meeting. (mental note:  the girls really like doing skits!!)

That sticky note says 'Law Expert'...from the parable about the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37)

The parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18: 21-35)...pleading for mercy from the King to whom she owes so great a debt.

But unfortunately, she doesn't show the same mercy to her fellow slave, who owes her a pittance...

Off to prison for your lack of mercy!

Next comes the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18: 10-14)...hmmm, which one do you think she is playing??

I'm thinking this is a much more humble approach to prayer!  Who do you think received God's mercy?

The younger gals prepare for their last skit....

Narrating the parable of The Lost Sheep (Luke 15: 3-7).

Calling to her friends to come help celebrate...bringing home the little lost sheep (or at least a well-loved bedtime snuggly lamb!)

No, she's not skippin' out of Bright Lights to go shoot hoops...she's the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32) off to spend Dad's fortune!

But alas, after the dough runs dry, she can't even eat the pig's food - she's thinking it's time to go home to Daddy...who runs to meet her and welcome her home!

Our project for this meeting was writing letters back to our AWESOME NEW ZEALAND pen pals!  Look at these cool origami kitties they made for us...

Tea time :)

Thank you girls for another fantastic meeting!  Until next time... :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

There's a new blog in town...Bellevue Bright Lights!  Under construction, more coming soon :)