Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Bright Lights Meeting 4 Set 4 – Friends

Three Significant Decisions…

By the age of 10, everyone has made, or is beginning to make, 3 decisions that will have a huge impact on their lives:

1.)                       How we will respond to authority

2.)                      What friends we will choose

3.)                      Whether we will be a “giver” or a “taker”

The following pattern is often observable in groups:

-        Those who are rebellious attract each other and form a clique

-        The weak Christians attract each other and for a group

-        The stronger Christians also attract each other and can unfortunately, often appear to be as a clique

-        But the most mature believers are focused on the needs around them.  Rather than being in a clique with their friends, they are willing to seek out the weaker or needy ones, and give to them.  These people are givers instead of takers.

1 Kings 12
Proverbs 17:17
Proverbs 22:24
James 4:4
1 John1: 3, 7
1 Corinthians 15:33
Proverbs 13:20
Main Concepts:
1.)           Scripture warns us that we will be very influenced by those whom we choose as our friends.  If we desire to be srong for the Lord, we need to choose wise friends who will build us up, and we need to be discerning as to which friends may influence us in wrong ways.
2.)          Many young ladies struggle with the friendships they have in their lives.  Some feel they have no friends; others have difficulties in the relationships with the friends they have.  These problems can quickly be cleared up if we focus on being a “giver” instead of a “taker” in our relationships.
3.)          Our focus is to be on how to BE a friend, not how to HAVE a friend.  Character traits to develop in our lives in order to be a good friend include availability, sensitivity, kindness, compassion, loyalty, faithfulness, etc.
4.)          Overcoming barriers to being a good friend like shyness, vanity, selfishness…
5.)          Delighting in the Lord and getting to know Him as your BFF J
6.)          The dangers of becoming close friends with young men.
Tea Time
A big thank you to all the amazing young ladies that make up the Bellevue Bright Lights group!!  God bless you all J


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