Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Royal Apparel - Part 1

Set Eight Meeting Two:  Royal Apparel – Part One

Stories of Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba, and Solomon and his many wives.  In each of their lives, their tragic downfall was largely due to the influence of women.  Instead, catch a vision of how you can be a powerful influence of encouragement to boys by testimonies of purity…Abigail and David.

Sword Drill

2 Cor. 5: 17 – 21

Romans 12:2

Ephesians 6:2

1 Thess. 4:4-6

1 Timothy 2:9

James 4:4

1 John 2:15

Main Concepts

Dress modestly…

Even though the Lord does not give us specific rules about how to dress, He does give us some important principles to follow.  He gave these to us for a reason – not to make our lives difficult, but because He loves us and wants us to focus our hearts on Him!

Do Not Copy the World…

The clothes we choose to wear are an outward sign of the condition of the our heart.  Since our outward appearance communicates so much, we need to be intentional about what we wear.  If we are truly seeking the Lord, it will be reflected in every area of our life, including clothing.

Do Not Defraud…

We need to be careful that we are not a stumbling block to others, but choose rather to encourage others and build them up.

Honor Your Father…

The promised blessing that comes from honoring your parents includes the “little things,” as well as the “big things.”

Remember that You are Representing Jesus Christ…

Our goal must not be to please ourselves, but to honor Christ and represent Him well.

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.”  Proverbs 31:30


Divide into groups and create a princess dress out of paper and tulle, choosing one girl to “dress up”…afterwards discuss the creativity of each princess’s attire.

Work on Calendars if time allows…


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